November 18, 2011
Կլոր-սեղան քննարկում «Միջսերնդային երկխոսություն» թեմայով
«Սերունդների միջև երկխոսության, թե՞ պայքարի ականատես ենք մենք այսօր»
թեմայով կլոր-սեղան քննարկմանը։
Նոյեմբերի 23-ին 18։00-ին
«Էսպաս» կենտրոնի գրադարանում
Մանրամասների համար՝
Հեռ․՝ 010 54 18 44
Էլ․ հասցե՝
October 30, 2011
UK: Cambridge International Scholarship Scheme
The University of Cambridge will offer, via the Cambridge Trusts, approximately 80 Cambridge International Scholarships to Overseas Students who embark on a research course in the next academical year. The awards will be made on a competitive basis to those applicants considered by their departments to be the most outstanding.
Value of the Award
Each award will underwrite the full cost of fees and maintenance for the duration of the course.
Duration of the Award
The award has a maximum duration of three years and is available to all students who will be registered for a three year research programme, leading to the PhD (including CPGS), that starts in the next academical year.
To be eligible to receive a Cambridge International Scholarship students must:
- be liable to pay the Overseas University Composition Fee.
- be engaged in a three year research programme leading to the PhD (i.e. will be registered as PhD, “Probationary PhD” or “CPGS”) starting in the next academical year.
- be engaged in full-time study.
- have a high upper-second-class undergraduate honours degree from a UK Higher Education Institution, or an equivalent from an Overseas Institution.
Please note: all students applying for a course of one year duration or less (including LLM, MSt, MBA, MED, Part III Mathematics, MPhil) in the next academical year are not eligible for a CISS award in the next academical year.
Application Process
- In order to be eligible for a CISS award commencing in the next academical year, you must have applied for admission/continuation as a graduate student to the University of Cambridge either online (admission students only) or via the Graduate Admission and Scholarship Application Form (GRADSAF) by 1st December 2011.It is important that you send in your supporting documentation as soon as possible after you have applied for admission online, because your application will not be looked at until this is received. The closing date for this funding is firm – no late applications can be considered.
- Step 3 – How To Apply
- Continuation and Readmission
If you are not certain which application process applies to you, please contact Kathy White at the Board of Graduate Studies.
Kathy White (
- Every eligible applicant for a three year research course leading to the PhD in the next academical year will be considered to have applied for a Cambridge International Scholarship provided their completed application is received by the Board of Graduate Studies before 1st December 2010.
- Applicants are expected to also seek funding from other sources.
- The application must be fully complete, i.e. including academic references and a research statement. The CISS committee will onlyconsider academic achievement and research potential. It is therefore critical that academic references and a research statement are included.
- Candidates should note that, given the volume of applications, applications which arrive after the deadline will not be entered for the Cambridge International Scholarships competition, nor will we provide feedback on the outcome of this competition at any stage.
- In January the Board of Graduate Studies will submit a list of all eligible candidates to the relevant departments/faculties.
The competition proceeds in a number of stages:
- Ranking
In January and February, the departments and faculties will consider your application against all others and draw up a ranked list of their top applicants. - Nomination
Departments/faculties will nominate the very best candidates from their ranked list and submit this, together with a departmental/faculty statement of support, to the Board of Graduate Studies. - Offer of Admission
Departments/faculties will make a recommendation for an offer of admission to the Board of Graduate Studies for their nominated applicants. - Selection of top nominated candidates for CISS awards
In March, all the nominated candidates with a conditional offer of admission will be considered by a selection committee comprising academic members of the Board of Graduate Studies. The committee will draw up a list of candidates who will be made an offer of a CISS award immediately. A reserve list of candidates will also be drawn up who may receive a CISS award should any become available. These candidates will receive a confirmatory email. Several hundred partially funded awards will also be made by the Cambridge Trusts to candidates unsuccessful in obtaining a full cost CISS award.
If candidates have not received an email by the end of April, they should assume that their application for a CISS award has not been successful.
It is a condition that successful candidates must meet all their outstanding conditions for admission to the University in order to receive CISS funding. Deadline : 1 December 2011
October 8, 2011
The Raffy Manoukian Scholarships for Oxford University
These awards, generously funded by Mr Raffy Manoukian, are offered to Armenian nationals or students of Armenian descent who would otherwise be unable to study at Oxford.
An unlimited number of scholarships will be awarded for graduate and undergraduate degrees.
Am I eligible?
Candidates should be Armenian nationals or of Armenian descent (and not ordinarily resident in a state within the European Economic Area).
The Raffy Manoukian Scholarship is designed to support students who are accepted on a full time degree course at the University of Oxford but prevented from taking up their studies for reasons of financial difficulty. You will be contacted by the Raffy Manoukian office directly to provide with financial information if you are short-listed.
Applicants must intend to return to their home country at the end of their studies.
Please ensure you meet the requirements for entry to your course, including English language requirements. See the Course Guide for more information.
Deferred students are not eligible.
Graduate Applicants:
This scholarship is open to candidates studying for all degree bearing courses, with the exception of PGCert and PGDip courses. Candidates should be applying to start a new course at Oxford in October 2012.
Undergraduate Applicants:
Candidates should be applying to start an undergraduate course at Oxford in October 2012.
What does it cover?
100% of university and college fees, and a grant for living costs of £12,300 for graduate students, and £9,225 for undergraduate students.
Awards are made for the full duration of a student's fee liability for the agreed course. If your scholarship is offered for a course lasting more than one year, the continuation of your scholarship each year is subject to an annual renewal process based on satisfactory academic progress.
How do I apply?
Graduates: Apply at the same time as you apply to Oxford by selecting Raffy Manoukian Scholarship in the Funding Section of the University's Graduate Application Form. Candidates should apply by Application Deadline 2 (6 January 2012 for Medical Sciences and Philosophy; 20 January 2012 for all other subjects).
Undergraduates: You must apply to UCAS and Oxford as described on the Undergraduate Admissions webpage by 15 October 2011. The scholarship application form will be available from this page (see Downloads section) after 6 January 2012. The deadline to submit the application is 24 February 2012.
How will I know if I have been successful?
Successful candidates will be notified by email in May 2012. This webpage will be updated to show when all decisions have been made. If you have not heard from us by the time this notice is posted, then your application to this scheme has been unsuccessful. Due to the volume of applications we receive, we are unable to contact unsuccessful applicants individually or provide feedback on applications.
September 20, 2011
September 10, 2011
Հայ Կրթական Հիմնարկությունը հայտարարում է անվանական կրթաթոշակի մրցույթ
September 8, 2011
August 14, 2011
August 3, 2011
June 11, 2011
Тренинг Информационная безопасность
Тренинг Информационная безопасность
25-26 и 27-28 июля
Начало тренинга в 10.00 до 16.00
Место проведения: Ереван
Цель: тренинг по информационной безопасности для неправительственных и медиа организаций – дать общее понимание проблем информационной безопасности, подхода к их устранению и построение защиты от нежелательного вмешательства.
Длительность тренинга - 2 дня.
Тренеры - Алексей Бебинов, международный консультант по
безопасности по странам СНГ и Европа
Максат Сабыров: тренер по безопасности для Центрально-азиатского региона
Другими целями тренинга являются:
Стимулирование принятия компетентных управленческих решений по проведению мер для обеспечения информационной безопасности в организации;
Стимулирование принятия программно-технических мер по защите информационных систем организации;
Обучение навыкам принятия процедурных мер безопасности (меры безопасности, ориентированные на людей);
Стимулирование принятия административных мер обеспечения информационной безопасности (приказы и другие действия руководства организаций, связанных с защищаемыми информационными системами);
Тренинги, предлагаемые в рамках данного предложения, позволят сотрудникам компании осуществлять мероприятия по обеспечению безопасности собственной информации, научится обнаруживать способы и методы вторжения в информационную сферу частной компании.
Тренинг будет состоять из двух сессий: применение технологий и политика в области информации.
По вопросам развития политики об информационной безопасности будут освещены следующие темы:
Защита персональных и других данных;
Способы и методы ограничения на доступ к информации в режиме он-лайн;
Ограничения, связанные с коммерческой тайной;
Киберпреступления и другие виды нарушений в режиме он-лайн;
Право на интеллектуальную собственность (в контексте он-лайн).
По вопросам, посвященным применению технологий и методов защиты данных и переписки, будут демонстрироваться следующие примеры:
Технические методы защиты исходных данных;
Технонологии по применению шифрования, кодирования;
Законность программного обеспечения;
Методы защиты баз данных организации;
Методы по восстановлению информации;
Методы по безопасной передаче сообщений;
Безопасные методы ускоренного поиска в Интернете;
Тренинги будут совмещать лекции по теории с практическими занятиями на компьютерах. Заявки (резюме) с указанием даты тренинга (16-17 июня либо 20-21 июня) присылать по адресу; телефон: + 374 10 500-977
May 24, 2011
«Մենք ենք մեր հաղթանակը» Ֆլեշ-մոբ
Երիտասարդները լինելու են կարմիր, կապույտ և ծիրանագույն շապիկներով (որոնցից մեկով ներկայանալը ցանկալի է), կազմելու են ≪ՀԱՂԹԱՆԱԿ≫ բառը, ինչը նկարահանվելու է ուղղաթիռից և օգտագործվելու է համանուն ֆիլմում:
Ամսի 26-ին` ժամը 18:30-ին մասնակիցներին խնդրվում է լինել հրապարակում, քանի որ կայանալու է միջոցառման փորձը, որը տևելու է մեկ ու կես ժամ: Ցանկալի է, որպեսզի մասնակիցները լինեն եռագույնի գույներից մեկի շապիկով:
Միջոցառումն աննախադեպ է Հայաստանի Հանրապետության պատմության մեջ:
Այն նպատակ ունի` մեկ գաղափարի շուրջ համախմբելու հայ երիտասարդներին եւ եւս մեկ անգամ բարձրացնելու հայ երիտասարդների հաղթական ոգին:
Չարժե բաց թողնել նման բացառիկ իրադարձությանը մասնակցելու հնարավորությունը:
Մասնակցության համար պետք է գրանցվել` զանգահարելով (077)124 115 կամ (055)277750:
Կազմակերպչական հարցերի համար` 055 580 522,
Գրանցվելու վերջնաժամկետն է` մայիսի 26-ը, ժամը 24:00-ն:
Միջացառումը կարող եք գտնել նաեւ Facebook սոցիալական ցանցում: